Friday, September 20, 2019

How I feel these days

I am 72 years old. I have been an American citizen that long - roughly one-third of this country's history. Since I have witnessed a third of our history, I feel entitled and make some observations about how things are going.

My Dad fought in WWII and Korea. He was also a combatant in the first decade of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. I picked up the sword in 1968 and spent 40 years in the trenches of Technical Intelligence for the US Air Force - waging the continuing fight against the Soviet Union, and then Russia, China, North Korea and new adversaries in the Southwest Asia. The Cold War never ended - it just expanded.

Between my Dad and I, we spent about 60 years doing our best for this country. We paid two lifetimes of  dues. That commitment endowed me with a deep appreciation of what America is, and what patriotism means.  I've also had the unique opportunity to live, and go to school, in another country for three years. Those formative years outside the USA crystallized in my mind what it meant to be an American.

With that background, perhaps you can understand just how appalled I am by the behavior of the current administration. Every single day since Mr. Trump was inaugurated, I have felt my soul cringe tighter and tighter into a knot in my stomach. Never in my worst nightmares could I have foreseen the willful and egregious disregard for the rule of law by our chief "executive" and his sycophant co-conspirators in the Senate. The law used to mean something in America. When you received a subpoena, you didn't just ignore it. When Congress asked a question, you answered it. There was respect for the rule of law.

These willful illegal acts are happening daily - with no consequences. The Senate is a co-conspirator and the Supreme Court has been illegally packed. There's nothing to stop the vast criminal enterprise that is the Trump administration.

Even more disturbing to me is the flagrant treason our president is perpetrating. That's right - Treason. Seeking help from a foreign (and antagonistic) power to win an election is Treason. Divulging classified information to an antagonistic foreign power is Treason. Taking military funds approved by Congress and spending them to build a pointless border wall is Treason. All these things make America weaker, and our adversaries stronger - that's giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy and in my book, that's Treason!

So, how I feel these days is DISGUSTED! I'm disgusted to see the America I loved and was proud of  become a kleptocracy. That's right - government by thieves. The only motivation for the current administration is enrichment of themselves and their benefactors. America is being looted by an international gang of expert thieves!

I honestly fear for my country. I'm afraid the America I knew is gone and will not come back. The only hope remaining is that the Democrats will win the 2020 election, including taking a majority in the Senate. That's the only way I can see to end the rampant corruption, destruction of the environment, thwart the genuine threat of climate change, and throw out the evil influence of foreign powers from American government. - sgb

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